How to Join the Guilds

Please go to our Forum page to get the must up to date information on costuming standards and events.

Outer Rim Guilds Membership Application


Full Name:

Email Address:

Date of Birth:

Address (City, State, Country):

Character Name:

Character’s Occupation: (Bounty Hunter, Pilot, Jedi...)

Character Bio: (Only a small paragraph is needed to describe your characters trade and affiliation):


Photo's for Membership Submission must be sent as jpeg or png format for review. Do not create a PDF or Docx, we cannot manipulate the pictures of use them for the website if we cannot properly extract them. 


Please submit pictures of your completed costume. If you can, please take these pictures on a solid background or back drop in enough lighting So we can see the details of your costume. We will need to see:

1. Costume Full front

2. Costume Full back

3. Costume Left side

4. Costume Right side

5. Close up pictures of belt from all sides

6. Close up pictures of your boots from all sides

7. Close up pictures of your pouches from all sides

8. Close up pictures of any armor or Helmets worn

9. Close up pictures of weapons

10.  Close up pictures of any holsters

Email your submission to